- ButterBean - BooBoo - Lucky - WaterMelon - Scooter - Moose - Mama*R.I.P* - Scotch*R.I.P.* -

-Tiny - Face *R.I.P* - Eye - Princess - Brooke - Stripey - Smokey - Shadow - Piper

Thursday, December 31, 2009

Happy New Year

We all hope you all have a very Happy and safe New Year!

More about our kitty family tomorrow

Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Then there was Moose

This is where Moosie comes into the picture

He could not wait his turn because that is the way he is
Momy looked for Moosie a home unsuccessuflly
The day he went for his boy surgery Dady took him
he asked if Moose was to be de-clawed Momy said
Not if you expect me to find him a home

Dady told the vet Moosie was staying and so he was de-clawed
Which is just as well - Moosie is scairt of outside
So bad at first that he would not get too close to a window or door
now he will venture outside but only if Momy is near

Moosie and Scootie in the tree house
Moosie really likes to play and be center of attention
unlike Scooter who is the "un-touchable"

Tuesday, December 29, 2009


Story time with Momy

Scooter was borned on May 22, 2007 - that makes him 2 almost 3 years old. He was found drownin in Claytor Lake in June 2007 - he was about 5-6 weeks old - just a little thing

I took good care of him

Scooter was a very loving and playful kitten
Then he got bigger and decided that he does not really like Momy and Dady
No one really knows why he is such a scairty cat - He hides under the bed 95% of the time - Sometimes he will come out and play but not often

See how cute he was

This is Scooter now
He still loves me and we nap together and play but like I said he hides a lot none of us really understand why or really when things changed
We love Scooter all the same but Momy wishes he was more outgoing and loveable
Sometimes he sleeps in the bed with Me and Momy

Monday, December 28, 2009

Kity in the Lake

Lucky and I were hangin out one day - bein boys. Momy and Dady went to the lake with auntee and unculee - its actually kinda funny Momy had never been to the lake and shes never been back since
You see Momy came back with this .....

Ugly little thing is he not ...

Ok maybe a little cute

So let me tell you a story - This lil guy is Scooter
He jumped, fell or was tossed off a bridge (we dont know for sure which)
Momy happened to be in the boat when it happened and they all saw something falling
then there was a guy jumping up and down shouting
Unclee got the boat as close as he could and Momy jumped over board rescueing the little guy just seconds before he gave up and went under. He had blistered paws, a hurt eye and yuckie waters in his lungs. Momy suffered a busted ear drum and water in her ear. Both had to take medications. Scootie had to go to the Dr every 10 days for like 3 months to get the bacterias out of his lungs.
I ButterBean fell in love with Scootie and he thought I was his Mama Cat.

Im the big one Scootie is the little one and the other guy is Dady

More on Scooter tomorrow

Happy Monday

Friday, December 25, 2009

Merry Christmas

Merry Christmas!

Hope yours was Great!

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Waiting on Santy Paws

Getting Ready for Christmas

Santy Paws - we are good boys

Waiting in the tree

Monday, December 21, 2009

Snow Pictures ...... finally

We gots right at 26 inches of SNOWS ... .

Out our front door

Our Red bird feeder - we have a yellow one too

WaterMelon NOT enjoying the Snows

Meep (you havent met her yet) Very much enjoying the Snows

Lucky NOT happy at all about the snows

oooo Pretty ...

Sunday, December 20, 2009


Momy had so much to do on Sunday that she never posted my pictures - mainly because the cord to download the pictures was with Dady and he was on the fire trucks all weekend helping peoples however there are tons of SNOW pictures - we got 26 inches - thats LOTS

Now, let me tell you about WaterMelon
He was borned May 28, 2005 that makes him 4 years old
He is grey and white like Lucky - in fact they could be twins EXCEPT
Melon is long haired and a year older than Lucky

After Melon's 2 night stay in the bathroom he got to where he wanted to come in all the time. Momy does not make him go out but typically he goes out during the day.

This is Melons favorite napping spot - in front of the bay window.

Melon is a big Boy weighing in at 16 pounds of man cat muscle

To be big ferocious Man Cat he is a sweetie
He sleeps in the bed with Momy and Dady until he gets hot

Momy did find who she thinks is Melon and Luckys Mama Cat. She has a good home and is solid grey like the boys. We are not sure how Melon ended up at our house or how Lucky ended up by the river but ...
They both have good homes now!

Saturday, December 19, 2009


It snowed ...

Snowed BIG

Dady spent the night at the firestation helping people who were stranded or in trouble - hes a volunteer fire fighter you see
Momy has been out in the snows this morning - snows up to her knees - shes been taking pictures
like a crazy momy and some of the others have gone out - but not me

Snows pictures on Sunday

Friday, December 18, 2009

Patient or Sneaky

A side note - Lucky did have to SHARE share his turkey leg with me and Boo and Momy took some of the meat off so we didnt get it ALL but ...

Also - we were very sad and Momy even cried when she read about Pretty Princess - she was a butiful kitty and we know she will be very much missed - we send purrrs and kitty kisses to her family ...

My Momy is Both Patient and Sneaky ... she petted the new kitty and she watched him and she waited ... then one day she made him an appointment to be "fixed" and get shots ... she sat the cat carrier on the porch in front of the bowl where she would feed him and for days she fed him right in front of the open door and she would pet him ... this would happen morning and night .... THEN one morning she grabbed him and shoved him in the box and shut the door ... he went to the vet that day and when he came home he stayed in the bathroom for a few days and Momy loved on him


He just got home from having his boy parts sniped

More on WaterMelon on Monday

Have a Happy Friday -
they are calling for where I live in Virginia to get a FOOT or more of SNOW
Ill have pictures if it happes tomorrow ... Maybe Momy will let me go get my toes cold

Thursday, December 17, 2009

And Then....

Around the same time Momy found Lucky there was lots of other things going on as you know I was sick and had to have surgery and there was a kitty that was sneaking around our house. Momy was feeding him and he would NOT let her get close. Then she started waiting for him ... .and over time he would let her pet his head while she was pouring his cereal into a bowl for him. This went on for several weeks and she was so intent on petting him that she could not get pictures this early on.

Also during this time Lucky was growing and getting better all the time and it was Thanksgiving

Dady and Baby Lucky

Lucky with his First Turkey Leg

He was Happy

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Sick Bean

I weighed 26 pounds when I first got sick (3 years ago)... that was part of my problem - I was FAT

Dr. D told Momy that I needed surgery ... I was blocked bad - kidney tests showed that my kidneys were good, no damage but that I would continue to block. It was Momys (25th sshh dont tell her I told) birthday and Dady was out of town in Texas for work. Momy told Dr. D that she loved me lots and lots and that she trusted him to make me betters.

Dr. D stayed late that night to do surgery. I had Feline Lower Uniary Tract Disease and needed a PU or Perineal Urethrostomy - you can google it for more info but basically they took away my boy part COMPLETLY! and gave me a girl opening so I could pass the crystals. It happens in neutered cats 2-6 years old that are over weight ... ME

Dr. D called Momy at 10pm that night to tell her surgery was done and I was waking up. He stayed until I was awake and he told her she could come visit me the next day. I had to stay in the hospital for over a week. Total I was there for 3 weeks.

I had to wear this stupid lamp shade on my head for a month and I got "naked" time when I would lay on Momy at night and she would scratch my neck. I would lay on her for hours and hours

But the surgery made the bad crystals go away - mostly - sometimes I still pee in the floor

I also had to go on a special diet and Ive lost weight

3 years later Im much much better and I love to play.

Big Purrs to everybodies ....

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Bean is a Bad kitty ... or Not

Baby Lucky was growing and wanting to play and I couldnet play - I was being a bad kitty or so Momy thought ... you see I was peeing on the floor ... but I couldnet help it ..

Then I would squat ... and try to pee ... Momy never got mad - she just didnt understand. Then it got bad ... and I was in the hallway one night and I couldnet move .. and Momy got scared and we went to the hospital ...

I had crystals and was blocked. The vet put in a cathetar and I stayed for a few days ... then I went home and 24 hours later I was back in the hospital ... they called Momy and said I could go home and before she could come get me I blocked again ... it was really bad ...

I felt sorry for Momy but I was so sick - Boo really stepped up - he played with Baby Lucky - Momy was so worried about me ...

I dont really like this story but .. I will tell you anyway - so more tomorrow ... baby steps

Monday, December 14, 2009

Bath Time

I know it sounds CRAZY but Momy gives us a BATH a few times a year ...

Baby Lucky getting a Bath ... he loves water

Boo only acts like he dosnt like it

Im ok once I get out ...

Momys very brave for washing us ... mostly we like it ... especially once its over and we smell good.
I am such a big cat sometimes I have trouble keeping clean and smelling good so I get bird-baths with a wash cloth about once a week or so

Sunday, December 13, 2009

Saturday, December 12, 2009

Nappy Saturday

Its COLD here in Virginia .. we are all settled in warm and nappy

Lucky and his Froggie

He sleepies BIG

We hope you all are warm and happy with a favorite toy

Purrs ...

Friday, December 11, 2009


This is Baby lucky the night he came home with Momy. That was the only way he could lay so it wouldnet hurt.

This is a really good picture of his lil hip! He could run and play as soon as he got home. When Momy found him he was hidding in the bushes next to the river probably where he was dropped. He could only hobble - couldnet put any pressure at all on his right leg and he was screaming. Momy carried him home carefully so he wouldnet hurt and he had to sleep in a cage that night so he would be still. Dady checked on him several times that night.

I took care of baby Lucky!
I would sleep beside his crate at night and make sure he was ok. Lucky was born June 23, 2006 - this makes him 3 years old now.

He would never get out of my sight. I was very protective.

But he healed very well and has all his legs and they all work he just cant fully extend his back right leg completely. But thats ok - he can run and jump and play and he is a happy boy.

Lucky loves to go outside but he can only go out on a leash because he runs and runs and runs until he makes his leg so sore he cant walk and limps for days. Also, Lucky is de-clawed. Momy didnt really want to but the vet said it was best because if Lucky climbed up a tree or a curtian and landed wrong on his leg it would be bad for him. Lucky dosnt seem to notice that he has no front claws.

Lucky on his leash outside. Lucky is EXTREMELY talkative - Im sure you will hear from him again really soon.

Happy Friday - ppurrrrssss ..

Thursday, December 10, 2009


Didja guess what it was ... wellll didja ...

I am a very LOVEABLE kitty. When Momy came home one evening with a cute little grey bundle of fuzz I was super excited!

This is me with the lil guy and Momy - I wanted to play with the baby and lick him and take care of him. However - I could not. This is as close as Momy would let me get. You see his hip was broken. Some mean bad person had pulled his lil baby leg until the hip joint shattered. He was only 5 weeks old.

I felt so sad for him
Momy took him to the vet early early the next morning. The vet called her at work and told her the bad news about his little leg. Dr. D is the bestest vet ever - he told her the little guy couldent live like that and suggested a hip replacement - he got the hip replacement and the name of LUCKY.

This is LUCKY after surgery - see his lil pink stitches??

More on Lucky tomorrow .. purrrss ...

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Bean and Boo

Boo and I were Momys boys for a while. We lived in a little house and we could watch Pawpaw mow our yard. We live really close to our Pawpaw and Granmaw - They have 5 kitties out there. Well now they have 4 :( Marlea went over the bridge Monday morning - she was 16- Im sure I will tell you their stories too - one day.
Then we moved to a bigger house. Which is great and we have more windows and we can see Pawpaw more and we can see the deer and squirels and lots of stuff. Dady was around now which was good - meant more hands and more pets.

Then one day Momy went for a run with Auntee (she lives close too and we have 2 kitty cousins) and while they were out ... you will NEVER guess what Momy found ... found it and brought it home ...

Come back tomorrow and I will tell you ... PROMISE

Until then purrs to ya