ButterBean went to the vet today to get his stitches out. He was Mr. Social at the vets and they all petted and loved on him. All of his stitches were removed while he purred the whole time. His places have all healed very well and she was pleased with him. She checked out the new spots I had found in the past two weeks and determined that none were of concern but to keep watch on them. As long as he is eating, drinking, pooping and playing some (he is 10) we leave him be. If a spot comes up we remove it. Shon picked him up and said he had a big play when he got home and then proceeded to smack everyone near him. The he assumed his position on the back of the sofa.
Patches and the babies are doing well. Their little teeth are starting to come in and they are moving a little more. She is VERY protective. I covered much of the windows tonight with sheets thinking that a "smaller" space would be good for her. She was moving about the room within an hour of that. I hope if she cant see the so much of the outside and the other cats out there that she will calm down some. She will let me pet the babies and I fed them some wet food the last 3 feedings.
Ill get some more pictures up this weekend
3 hours ago