- ButterBean - BooBoo - Lucky - WaterMelon - Scooter - Moose - Mama*R.I.P* - Scotch*R.I.P.* -

-Tiny - Face *R.I.P* - Eye - Princess - Brooke - Stripey - Smokey - Shadow - Piper

Thursday, January 6, 2011

Scooter Rooo

Lets check in on the patient .....

Humm ... looks like he found a good place to hide and nap for a while.

He has been eating wet food pretty good. He does not like beef or liver flavors but does like Salmon and hes eating about a can a day and just a few crunchies. He is eating his nightly temptations :) And has been taking his medicine very well!

At bed time and early mornings he is pawing at the door and crying to get out. He still has a few days of meds to take. Im not sure I can get him to take them if I let him out. On the other hand he is miserable being in there as he really likes to cuddle with Bean and play with Tiny.

He is feeling better and is very talkative. He still has not pooped but according to the vet its ok ... Vet says that his stomach was completly empty (he was vommiting clear stomach fluid) and since he is mainly drinking water and eating wet food with extra water in it that he dosnt have enough in there to form solids. This makes complete sense but still ... man ... Scooter is jumping and streching and moving around alot and if he was in pain he would not do that. All good things :)

Happy Thursday Friends


  1. We are all sending you lots of just-in-case purrs sweet Scooter. Sounds like you are feeling some better!

  2. Glad he is feeling better. I'd let him out but I'm a cat. Heh heh. Hope he poops soon.

  3. Hurrah for Scooter! Now all he has to do is #2 and we'll know he's all better!

  4. WOO HOO Scooter!!! You keep eating and drinking and all will be well!

  5. Keep up the great work!

    Of khourse, the box looks to be a good fir fur woo to khome visit me ;-)


  6. WE are so glad that he is feeling better!
