- ButterBean - BooBoo - Lucky - WaterMelon - Scooter - Moose - Mama*R.I.P* - Scotch*R.I.P.* -

-Tiny - Face *R.I.P* - Eye - Princess - Brooke - Stripey - Smokey - Shadow - Piper

Monday, April 29, 2013

Dean Transport

Saturday we transported Dean from Staunton to Wytheville to meet his forever Momy

Dean is a senior who was on death row in NY - he is FIV+ ... and had a front leg injury that required amputation

Picking up Dean

All that stuff for 1 kitty in a MINI



Dean and I

Dean meeting his new Mom

Dean and his new mom

Dean going home


  1. Bless all of you! I'm thrilled when someone opens their heart and home to an FIV+ cat.

  2. Dean is a lucky kitty to have found a forever home. Thank you so much for your part in that.. I love to see a happy ending.. Hugs GJ xx

  3. Thank you so much for helping handsome Dean get home, that is so wonderful!

  4. it look likes dean's new mummy is happy after meeting dean but so is dean

  5. Good luck to Dean in his new home. It's wonderful that you helped out. The NY shelter system is brutal and so many don't stand a chance. Dean is a handsome boy!

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