- ButterBean - BooBoo - Lucky - WaterMelon - Scooter - Moose - Mama*R.I.P* - Scotch*R.I.P.* -

-Tiny - Face *R.I.P* - Eye - Princess - Brooke - Stripey - Smokey - Shadow - Piper

Monday, November 25, 2013

More ... More .. More babies

As most of you all are aware Shon is a volunteer fire fighter ... we spend quite a bit of time at the fire station .. This past Saturday some lovely person left a box outside the station .. inside that box was a mama cat and 3 babies ... they were brought into the station and set up in a small room much to the unhappiness of the Chief ... in the end he was more mad at the idiot that left them than he was about the cats in the firehouse  .. Regardless they had to be out last night ... does not leave much time 

We are in Virginia and Saturday night was 9 degrees the high Sunday was 30 ... today the high was 35 and this massive storm is heading our way ...

The babies were homed pretty quick .. they were eating on their own and were healthy - the mama cat did a great job with them, she is way skinny and super tired ... I brought her home with me as the person that wanted her couldnet get her yesterday then last night she texted me that she changed her mind all together ... SO this little mama rests on my sofa ... she is warm, she is safe, she has all the food and water and love she wants - until I can find her a home of her own.

Bean and Eye checking her out

Sleepy kitty


And Finally Shadow ... fitting right in

Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Did you know ...

An ailurophile is someone who loves cats ...

Monday, November 11, 2013


We think.... not ... what do you think

Princess in the cat tower being .. well a princess

Thursday, November 7, 2013

Woah ...

Oh my ... a girl cat said I was handsome .. eekk -Moose

Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Wordless Wednesday

Wordless Wednesday with

Monday, November 4, 2013

Vestibular Disease or Syndrome

I love my kitties ... they are all very different not just in color or size but personality and traits and they all have a story - most of them have something "wrong" with them and have had a bad start to life. I give them the what they need daily in order to make them feel safe, secure, loved and as happy as possible.

SO a new development ... Saturday evening/night I was sitting in the hallway giving Shadow the opportunity to come out of her safe room and be curious and sniff and look about, small steps so shes not overwhelmed when Smokey who I had noticed had been staggering just a little put his chin to his chest rolled forward and then flopped in the floor like a fish but in more of a rolling pattern. This scared Shadow and she ran back into her room, as I shut the door and went to Smokey who had thrown up and slid under the washstand at the end of the hall. He was a bit out of it, seemed a little confused  and disoriented.

I sent my vet a message on facebook - I had seen Smokey do this before but it was last year before I caught him and brought him into the house. Smokey has a polyp in his left ear, so his head tilts, he does not walk exactly straight, he is deaf for the most part, partially blind and does not have many teeth. After his episode he laid beside me in the hallway, I simply laid a hand on him and he was calm, every so often meowing just slightly. I talked to my vet and she mentioned Vestibular Disease and not a seizure although it looks like one and acts like one it does not have the same bad horrible effects and mostly happens in the fall.

The vestibular system is primarily responsible for keeping the head and body in the correct orientation with respect to gravity. Smokey has a really hard time with heights, jumping up or down and does not like to be picked up to high levels.

This system will alert the brain if we are standing, sitting, lying down, falling, spinning in circles, and keeps the body balanced. The vestibular system is comprised of nerves that start in the brain and continue to the inner ear. The sensors in the inner ear are responsible for informing the brain about any movement. Vestibular disease affects the ability of the brain to recognize abnormal body positions and also affects the brain's ability to correct these abnormalities.

Smokey because of his polyp suffers from Peripheral vestibular disease which occurs due to an abnormality within the nerves of the inner ear. Most cases of vestibular disease are peripheral and no known cause is determined. These are referred to as idiopathic.

SO whats all this mean ... it means for the next bit he could have these re-occurring episode's that looks like a stroke or seizure but isn't ... he could have multiple a day or go a few days between and in about a month or so they will taper off and stop again ... I am hoping this will be the only one .. chances of that are unlikely.

Sunday, November 3, 2013

Easy on Sunday

I think almost everyone is checking in today
Taking it easy









 Seems we are only missing Princess, Spike and Shadow all of whom are taking it easy

Saturday, November 2, 2013

Lots on Saturday

Lots has been going on this week so we are posting Lots on Saturday so we can have an easy Sunday
Lets get started with Lil Ms. Shadow
She is still quite shy but will come with you talk to her and prefers for now for the person petting to be sitting in the floor
She is starting to be ok with me walking around

Last night I sat in the hallway and let her venture out of her safe room - she didn't go far and not for long - she has met most of the other kitties in the hosue

Shadow (above) is very pretty
Princess (below) is the barn cat. She is Face (RIP) and Eye's sister and not friendly
I caught her the other night when she came to the house and shes been in the dog crate

Looks to me like she thinks she at the Hilton
She has been crying some but not trying to get out
Here in just a little bit she will be going to the vet to get her shots - her appointment is at 8 this morning after that I am going to try to keep her in the house for as much of the winter as she will allow

Princess (above) seems happy to me
Its hard to take a picture of just an ear ... Below is Spikes ear ... it still pretty well looks like that
He did get antibiotic's for it and we have a powder to put on it and he is very good about letting us clean it

Now this ear (below) belongs to Watermelon
He too was very good about letting me clean it and put medicine on it but its not an open gaping wound and seems to be healing ok - if it should get worse he will be going in for antibiotic's as well

Hope you all have had a wonderful week - please know we visit often we just don't post much
Now to clean some ears and get a Princess in a prisoner unit to go to the vet