The babies are eating well. They are eating about a can of wet food a day and some dry with water on it. They are playing and enjoy their time out of the dog crate running about in the room. I left them out to play about an hour last night and they had put themselves to bed so they were worn out.
I had to go to the vet this AM for Stripey to get a booster shot. While I was there I asked if they needed to see the babies and all they asked for was a sample of the poo since they are still having some diarrhea – its not bad, I would more call it loose stool – I had to take my kitty home so I got a sample and too it back to the vet, glad I did as the vets office just called and they have coccidia.
I have dealt with this nasty little bug before – in March actually and had to give ALL of my cats medicine for it – thankfully these 2 have been in the dog crate in a room with no feline visitors.
So they have a coccidia which is a microscopic one-celled organisms causing the disease coccidiosis. Virtually all cats become infected during their life. Infections usually cause no problems in adult cats, but evidence suggests that the parasite can cause significant disease in kittens. In infected kittens, the coccidia destroy the lining of the intestine and cause diarrhea with often contains mucous.

Albon is prescribed as a general antiprotozoal for the treatment of coccidiosis, a protozoal infection of the intestinal tract. Albon is also prescribed for the treatment of a wide range of susceptible bacterial infections.