- ButterBean - BooBoo - Lucky - WaterMelon - Scooter - Moose - Mama*R.I.P* - Scotch*R.I.P.* -

-Tiny - Face *R.I.P* - Eye - Princess - Brooke - Stripey - Smokey - Shadow - Piper

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Notes from Mama and Say hello to Henry

Mama Cat would like to thank everyone - she hopes that you will support your Mama Cat by having Mama cat Mondays when you can!
Please note that Mama Cat helps in the garden by fertilizing it - shes very good at that and enjoys it more than the box inside.
Planting will begin today provided it is not raining this evening.

Now - we would like you to meet Henry - he is a guest in the Spring and sometimes in the Fall.

We believe Henry is a Male - Eastern Painted Turtle

We made sure Henry was safe and had plenty to eat and sent him on his way.


  1. Henry is very cute...what kind of turtle is he?

  2. Henry's a real cutie! Presumably he'll get bigger? Or is he a little turtle?

  3. We loved your Mama Cat Monday and think it's an excellent idea!!! Howdy there, Henry!!!!

  4. We think Henry is an Eastern painted turtle - and we think he is full grown however we dont think he is old. Maybe 5 or so ... they are out most from May to October so he was probably heading to the river to mate when we saw him.

  5. Henry is a cutie! Our beans rescue turtles like Henry from the road a lot during spring and summer!

  6. Oh Henry is cute! And we loved Mamacat Monday - we think it is a great idea!

  7. Henry is adorable! We get a B~I~G ginormous toad that comes effury summer and his name is Bubba.

  8. Hello Henry!
    We were wondering about Mama Cat and "fertilizer", but were too polite to ask...thanks for the clarification. Our barn cats always preferred the great outdoors, too!
    xx Lounge Cats

  9. We will start Mommy Cat Mondays in conjunction with Mancat Monday asap in honor of your Mama Cat!!...Cute turtle, lucky you guys are his friends!...Have a happy day...xo...Calle, Halle, Sukki

  10. A turtle in your garden! That must be fun to have a regular visitor. Good luck with planting tonight!
    ~Lisa Co9T

  11. I've nevFUR enkhountered a turtle!

    Thanks fur sharing!

