Princess has not been acting right for a few weeks ... She moved to the barn months ago but here in the last few weeks she has been acting strangely ... tonight she showed up on the front porch - again something she hasn't done for months, mostly because of Spike so I set the trap and caught her - she needs her rabies shot and other shots and I want to see what is causing her issues - I don't think she is hurt but I don't know, I don't think she is sick but I don't know ... however she is use to being outside and now I have her in the dog crate on the sunroom. She does not seem too upset, she is actually quite relaxed. Shes never been friendly - she will be 2 this month and has been outside for more than a year as she only spent around 6 months in the house when we first caught her ... so QUESTION: would it be bad for me to keep her in for the winter? Would it hurt her or hinder her abilities? This past week has already been really cold here, 30's most nights and highs in the low 50s.
Obviously since I have her she will get her shots - Im worried about keeping her in for several months but Im equally worried about not keeping her in ... ideas - suggestions
2 hours ago