- ButterBean - BooBoo - Lucky - WaterMelon - Scooter - Moose - Mama*R.I.P* - Scotch*R.I.P.* -

-Tiny - Face *R.I.P* - Eye - Princess - Brooke - Stripey - Smokey - Shadow - Piper

Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Visitor Kitty

Three nights in a row he has come to visit - last night he ate the most and showed me his belly. I think he is young ... but he is large ... his fur is very matted and he has burrs in it. I will be calling the vet today for an appointment for a neuter and to get the matts shaved and shots.


  1. He look like a sweet boy. He must feel so good after he had some delicious food. Thanks for sharing the lovely photos. Have a great day.
    World of Animals
