- ButterBean - BooBoo - Lucky - WaterMelon - Scooter - Moose - Mama*R.I.P* - Scotch*R.I.P.* -

-Tiny - Face *R.I.P* - Eye - Princess - Brooke - Stripey - Smokey - Shadow - Piper

Friday, March 16, 2012

Another Trip to the Vets

Mom took the rest of us to the vet on Thursday ... she took 4 ... but before she gets to them she wants to finish with the ones that went Saturday ... She took 7 that day ... the ones you have heard from are Brooke, Tiny, Moose and Princess ... the others to go were


I had to go back for my 4way shot and some worm pill - I was a good kitty ... really I was. I was worried at first, skeert that mama gonna give me away or leave me but she brings me back. I really LOVE her.

I really dont like going places. I dont really like being touched or looked at or messed with... BLAH I p'ed on ma ... sorries ma ... I got my shots and some pills ... I weighed 13.2 pounds :)


I like to go places ... at least until I get there. I weighed 19.6, thats down a pound woo for me :)

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Monday, March 12, 2012

What they have ....

So they have a coccidia which is a microscopic one-celled organisms causing the disease coccidiosis. Virtually all cats become infected during their life. Infections usually cause no problems in adult cats, but evidence suggests that the parasite can cause significant disease in kittens. In infected kittens, the coccidia destroy the lining of the intestine and cause diarrhea with often contains mucous.

Albon is prescribed as a general antiprotozoal for the treatment of coccidiosis, a protozoal infection of the intestinal tract. Albon is also prescribed for the treatment of a wide range of susceptible bacterial infections.

Saturdays Adventure

 I in fact took 7 kitties to the vet on Saturday by myself. It was an adventure to say the least. I wont get to all that went today cause that would be WAY too long .... so here we go.

Saturday morning started Early for me ... 430 early cause Scooter was on me and he is one of my difficult kitties so I got up and put him in the room with Princess (who is VERY difficult) Face and Eye.

At that point I was awake so why lay in bed when I could be doing something. By 8 AM the Jeep looked like this ...

6 carriers total ... 1 in the front seat

Brooke went for her 4way booster. She weighed 6.3 pounds
Momy was up early this morning ... I was still seepy but she was moving about so I followed her for a while. Then she picked me up kissed me on the head and stuffed me in a beautiful purple carrier. I looked glamorus in it ... this blue one does nothing for me. But the Eye took my purple one when we were in the vets office. I dont mind the vet .. I looked all around and sniffed and got pets it was interesting.

Tiny had to go back this morning ... we think he had a mild reaction to his shots on Wednesday 
I was growley with ma on Thursday and Friday and she was worried about me. So she said I had to go back again. Next year they vets say I should get an antibotic shot just in case when I get my other shots. The vet lady thinks I had a mild reaction to the 4way or rabies shots. poohey is what I say.

Moose needed his 4way and a rabies shot. He weighed in at 13.8
I cried and cried ... mama said I sounded like a little girl - thats SO not nice. I hid in my box but she dragged me out and I got shots. eeewww - i was so happy to get home and Ive been a snuggle bug since - hoping she wont take me back.

Princess (the little devil) went for a 4way  and weighed 7.0
Dont even get me started - I am so DARN mad I could spit .. oh wait I did spit and fuss and growl and claw and ... I pooed on the vet - it was bad. I got a shot and worm pills.

SO after packing up the kids I took out the box where the little ones were locked up and just last minute decided to take a "sample" in with me. Everyone got checked and shots etc and I packed them back up and was getting ready to leave when I realized the "sample" had not beel looked at so I went back in. The vet promptly checked it and ... found something WORSE than round worms. a Parisite that I will need to get the name of. SO all kitties need to be antiboticed for 10 days. the Above picture is a tube for each kitty to get them through tomorrow (Tuesday) when I will go pick up the last days of their good.
the stuff is very yellow and mint flavored (why mint) It is extremely sticky. Ill get the name of the bug and the name of the antibotic when they call to tell me how much all this is costing me. ha ha ha

Friday, March 9, 2012



Im Brooke ... :)

Im Pretty

Im a Calico

I also like to get into things and run and Jump and spin

Momy has much better pixtures of me at home .. so shes going to post them tonight

I have been spayed

And Im pretty

And stinky (i have gasses - ALOT)

ok So more on ME - BROOKE .. soon

Thursday, March 8, 2012

Vet visit update

Scotchy has done well after his visit. Sweet as ever but a little more tired.

Tiny has been sleeping ALOT since getting home. His 3rd eyelid is still showing and it bothers me a little but .. if its not better by Saturday he will go back to the vet again to be looked at. Im hoping the wormer will make it all better.

Face ran and hid as soon as we got home. I let him be. He was sleeping like a big kitty on my pillows when I got home from work yesterday. He ate but was hesitant to let me pet him until bed time when I was laying down and all was quiet.

We have another appointment on Saturday at 9AM for 6 babies. (and tiny if needed) Im sure they will all have opinions about the trip. One that is going you all havent met yet ...that would be Miss Brooke ... will try to get her introduced tomorrow :)

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

A trip to the vet

3 went to the vet this morning

Scotch went ...

Yup friends I went to the Vets ... I was a GOOD boy - I even helped
Momy brought in the boxes for us to go in last night so they would be warm for us
She put clean towels in them this morning and started the Jeep
She picked me up and put me in front and I walked right in and laid down.

I weighed in at 17.9 pounds of fluff and muscle. The pretty vet lady said I was HANDOSOME
hee hee
I got 2 shots ... and 2 pills ... and 2 treats
And LOTS of pets
Of course I had to make sure every thing was as it was suppose to be so I laid on the exam table while Tiny and Face was examine and given shots and I PuRRrrEd real big. When the vet lady listened to my heart and lungs I laid out like you see in the picture above .. she couldent resist giving me a tummy rub :)
Overall I liked the trip it was good. Oh I almost forgots that I got to SNOOP around the office and say HI to eveybody .. I even checked out the Vets desk and chair and a BIG bag of doggie foods.

**Note from Ma** Scotch went this morning because his third eyelid was showing last night and I was worried that he may be getting sick or something. He needed shots and worm pills so .. he got picked for the 3rd spot.

Tiny went .....

I havent been feeling good. Ive had the uncontrollable poos ... NOT fun ...
I whine when I dont feel good and I really want to lay on Momy ...
I just like her to touch me, pet me, hug me, tell me its going to be ok.
Ive been having a hard time getting comfortable and I growled at her yesterday when she picked me up cause my tummy hurts.
This morning she picked me up and I cried a little .. then she put me in the box ... it was a blue box with a towel in it. She had to shove me in just a bit to make me go. I didnt want to go but I could hear her talking to us and so I thought it was ok ... Momy was there after all so it was ok.
We got there and she took us in ... we didnt have to wait long. Momy sat down in the floor in the room and opened all our doors. She talked to us. Scotch came out and Face did too.
She got me out and I curled into a little ball in her arms. She held me told me that they wanted to see what I weighed and wanted to look at me.

I weighed 10.1 pounds ... Im BIG ... oh Im going to be 2 in May ... Birthday woo
Anyway ... I got 2 shots and 1.5 pills and I didnt want thoes stinkin treats .. I like my treats I get at home.
The vet lady listened to me but I stayed close to Ma. The vet lady petted me and tole me I was ADORABLE and that I was GOOD. :)

As soon as I was done I went right back into my blue box.

After we got home I came out of my box and sniffed about to make sure I was home and I was. I ignored Ma while she was getting dressed and then decided that I really love her so I found her and I pawed at her leg adn when she picked me up I gave her a kiss .. I think it made her happy.

Face went to the vet too ....


Im going to slit her throat in the middle of the night ... shes going to DIE ... wait then who will feed me?
Ok so mebe she should live. BUT DO YOU KNOW WHAT SHE DID ...
she put out kibbles in the room like she usually does. Then she shut the door ...
then she came back and wrestled me to the ground .. but I tell ya ..I pooed all over the floor and tried to get her too but I think I misses. I meowed and meowed and she would NOT let me OUT ...
I got to sit in the middle of the back seat of the jeep so I got to see the sights and all that. Was kinda neat I suppose but WHATEVER ...
We stoped and she got us out. She talked to us the whole way. I pooed in my carrier, I didnt mean to, I cant controll it ... makes me sad. I let her pet me after we got there to let her know that I was ok but mad at her. I mean really how dare she.

I weighed 7.2 pounds. I got 1 shot and 1 pill and it was a fight for me to take that pill ... shoot I didnt even want to be touched and then she was trying to look in my mouth and then was shoving something in it and I was Sooo NOT interested. Momy wraped me up in her sweater (while she had it on) smashed me against her side, scruffed me and I was FORCED to take the pill .... FORCED ....

As soon as I could get away I did and I hid

Tuesday, March 6, 2012


In the morning - Wednesday AM ... 2 felines will be going to the vet ... then on Saturday 6 will be going ... I havent told them yet .. thought it should be a surprise :)

Saturday, March 3, 2012


Cleaning cleaning cleaning is all that really happened here today. The kitties didnt seem to mind too much ... moved most everything out of the bedroom this morning and steam cleaned the carpet. Thankfully that is now the only room in the house that has carpet, the rest of the house is hard wood or tile. From there we steam cleaned the sofas and washed the blankets that are kept on them, moped the floors with hot clorox water and aftet all that I was worn out. Took about 6 hours. Shon and I went to dinner with some friends at Olive Garden and got back to put the sofas back together and start thinking about bed.
I have appointments for 6 cats for next saturday. planning to take the 2 that have had the sickies and 4 others, everyone needs shots rabies and 4way and everyone is getting worm pills. Here is to hoping next week is better than this one was. 

Friday, March 2, 2012

Double Yuck

Ma gave us pills last night and then locked us in a room together ... was NOT fun cause we like sleeping on the big bed next to her. WE cried for a while but then got sleepy ... we were up at 6 this AM ready to get outta there ... we think we are feeling better ... Ma says she will feel better after she cleans the house top to bottom this weekend ... we love her lots and we are sorries Ma that we are sickie be hopes we feel betters soon so you dont have to give us any more medicines.

Thursday, March 1, 2012




Face and Eye here .... we have been having some tummy problems .. so all momy has had time to do is clean and do laundry
She sent some poo to the vets and guess what .. we have ROUND WORMs


Today we get pills.... is that fun?

Note form Momy: Eye has been having tummy problems the longest but it was on and off and I thought it was because of the eye drops at first ... in 3 days they have had accidents on 3 bed quilts and Ive been to the laundry mat 3 times this week because the king blankets wont fit in my washer at home. Vet just called and its round worm :) so happy let me tell ya ...I think I can pill these 2 ... I think I can I think I can Guess Ima find out tonight