- ButterBean - BooBoo - Lucky - WaterMelon - Scooter - Moose - Mama*R.I.P* - Scotch*R.I.P.* -

-Tiny - Face *R.I.P* - Eye - Princess - Brooke - Stripey - Smokey - Shadow - Piper

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Not Giving Up

BooBoo here to tell you what I heard Momy saying last night ...

she said ... I wont give up .. Im going to get thoes babies!

And I know she will ...


  1. And we know she will too! PURRsistance DOES pay off!

  2. Good luck, we hope you can catch Chickie too...xo...Calle, Halle, Sukki

  3. Nice new look to your blog! :-)

    We know you won't give up....we're purring hard and sending Light that you get her soon!

  4. We'z been folowing da efforts of yoor mom to save da babies and Chickie Loo...we know she's gonna get dem! Sadie had a litter when she was really young, mom's frend estimated she was about 4 months old herself. She lost that litter but had another about 6 months later. We used her kittens to trap her...she had a strong maternal instinct!

  5. We are purring hard for your Mommy & Chicky Loo. It's only a matter of time when there's a determined Mommy involved.
    xx lounge kats

  6. We know she will too!!!! Our mom says it takes patience, which she doesn't have very much of, MOL!
    She and our dad finally trapped a kitty after 6 straight days of trying, so there is always hope. Fried blue fish worked for them.

  7. And we won't stop purring for her to be able to find them and get them to safety!

  8. Good Luck! We are all cheering for your Mom to catch them!

    Also, I gave you the Beautiful Blogger Award! I sure hope you haven't gotten that one before! Stop by my blog to pick it up!

  9. We know she can do it! I am purring hard for her.
