- ButterBean - BooBoo - Lucky - WaterMelon - Scooter - Moose - Mama*R.I.P* - Scotch*R.I.P.* -

-Tiny - Face *R.I.P* - Eye - Princess - Brooke - Stripey - Smokey - Shadow - Piper

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

New Home, New Name, New Life

Rusy formeraly known as Rocky loves his new home, doggie brother and family.

Last Thursday I took Rusty and Rebel to be neutered. Upon examination a murmur was heard when listening to Rusty so the spay/neuter clinic referred him to the regular vet for his neuter. Rebel went ahead and was snipped and in the mean time Rusty got lots of love and a blankie. Monday Rusty went to the regular vet for his snip and did Awesome! Here is a pic of the "lap dog" when he came home.

He was pretty doped up and since he would not stop licking he had to wear the lovely head gear. He and his pal Rebel worked on the head gear until they chewed it off his fat head so he is obviously doing great. Vet said the murmur was very slight and almost un-noticeable. :) YAY!

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Woofie update

Rocky's first night in his new home was fun filled. Took the people 45 minutes to get him up the stairs then took Rocky an hour and a half to figure out that he could in fact walk across hard wood floors .. after than another hour to get him down the stairs ... apparetly he was comfortable enough that he went back up and across the floor to sleep in the bed room with his new family. Rebel sleeps on the floor at the end of the bed and Rocky slept on the floor at the side of the bed. So far he has only had one "P"accidnet in the house.

During the day they have a 3 car garage that is connected to the house so it is temperature controlled.  Rocky was hesitant at first then he saw his friend run out and jump on the doggie fouton and thought that would be fun. He is still very interested in going outside but once his business is finished and he trollips around the yard he is ready to go back in.

Last night he was laying on his very own doggie bed with a toy watching tv ... Both of the doggies are going to get snipped together on Thursday :) Happy Times!

other than that - we still have kittens that need homes. They were spayed/neutered last Thursday and are doing great!

We are thinking about and purring hard for our friend Ginger Jasper he is feeling poorly and needs some extra love sent his way.

Monday, December 12, 2011


A while back we wrote about a neighbor woofie named Rocky. He is a boxer that has been out on a chain for a long time and momy has been trying to get him. Last week the owner told momy that if she "wanted that dog he was over there .... " obviously momy was upset but quickly went to work on finding Rocky a happy home ...

Welll ... a guy at the fire station said if Rocky and his dog Rebel got along then they would take him. Rebel is a rot/huskie mix. Black and tan like a rot but has the fur and size of a huskie … so Rocky went on a field trip yesterday at 2 – he did so good on the leash and sat in the back of the jeep and looked out the back glass the whole way … he was very curious and very good. Rocky will sit and lay down, we think he will do more but he was so excited play that we didnt test him. We stayed about 2 hours to see how the dogs would get along there were lots of sniffs and tail wags but no barking or growling. There was walking and jumping a lots of peeeeeing in the yard. I was really worried about how he would respond to being in the house but amazingly he did great!  He can not climb steps and whined about everyone going upstairs but Rebel went back down and kept him company.
By the time we left (2 hours later) Rocky was stretched out in the kitchen floor and Rebel was licking him. Rockys ears have been frost bitten and he has a spot on his lip and few other spots but I think most of that will heal with time and love. There was a call about 7 and the guy told Shon that Rocky discovered the food bowl and ate it all (large dog dish that was ¾ full when we were there) and when the fire pager went off both dogs were laying in the floor side by side snoring.

Hoping to have a picture of Rocky and his new brother soon :)

Tuesday, December 6, 2011


Dady brought home ANOTHER baby last Wednesday night ... he found her at the bottom of our drive way trying to climb a tree ... she was unable to climb and so she curled in a ball at the bottom of the tree ... dadys truck scairt her ... he started talking to her and she began to cry but never came out of her ball until he got her in the truck - of course he brought her home and put her in with the other kittens

we have no picture to post of her yet .... sorries maybe tomorrow

she went to the vet last evening - some one has cut several of her whiskers off, she weighs just barely 3 pounds so shes 10-12 weeks old - she got a shot and a worm pill and all the kittens got revolution last night - something we have not tried before ....

Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Turkey Coma

There was Turkey in our house ... we have proofs ...

Thats right ... we got the leg bones and they were yum yum yum ... so after gobbling on the bones ...


Lucky - yup I went back for thirds and fourths and was in a turkey coma the rest of the time

Moose snuggled under the covers

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Around the House

Wanted to share with you all what we have been doing and what we will be continuing to the next few days

Mama rooting for her team

Boo taking a nap

Tiny being a good boy

Lucky hanging out

Moose being Moose

Scotch on the sofa

Please note that we are not spoiled ... not at all

Friday, November 4, 2011

Kitten update

There are only 3 kittens ... 2 males and 1 female. Went to trap the 4th several times and ended up with a small opossum ... I have been continuing to look for another kitten and have not seen or heard any and when leaving food out during the day it does not get eaten. Therefore we are going with there were only 3 and the other set of eyes that were seen was in fact the opossum, which I may add is the same size as the kittens.

The kittens: "The Eye" has become the sweetest and most loving. If he is laying in his box or on the chair he has no problems with being petted, picked up, held, whatever. And he PURRRRSSssss oh my can this little guy purr. If he is up walking around he wants nothing to do with you.
"The Eye" Looking at the picture the left eye is the bad eye. Vet says its scar tissue and could clear a bit. He can see a little out of it ... think if putting your finger in front of your eye, thats how he sees like there is a spot in the way. This little dude is a love ... I did get him to play for a while last night but he seems to be fairly uncertian of things that move too quickly.

The other 2 I am having a problem with ... I have rescued, had dropped, traped etc many cats. Some I have kept .. others (most) I have found good homes for. I have never had kittens be so standoffish for so long. Ispend as much time with them as I can. On average its been between 1 and 2 hours per night.

They are in my house in the smallest of my bed rooms. The room has a window, a desk in front of the window with a box and blanket in it (The Eyes favorite place) a chair with a towel, 2 bookcases that they can not get under, an elliptical machine that they use as a toy and another chair with a cat bed in it.

So The Eye is super sweet ... "The Face" - is a tease ... he rubs and loves on the chair, elliptical and bookcase, flipping his little tale and loving about but wont let me pet him ... if I grab him he stiffens up and I have to hold him to pet him, Ive never heard him cry or purr .. sometimes he will growl at me and sometimes he will hiss ... he will sit 2-3 feet from me and stare at me. When I had them in the dog crate he would give love bites and seemed to be coming around a little more but with 3 of them I hate to put them back in the dog crate.

"The Face" -
he is just adorable .. .his markings are beautiful and I think he wants to be a sweet kitty but dosnt know how and apparently Im not doing something right for him. Last night he did play a little and he rolled on the floor showing me his tummy. I would love for him to be more loving.

"The Princess" - is a touch me not ... She is very timid and shy and skurries to the corner as soon as I come in the room. If I get her out of her corner she will sit in my lap and relax after a while. I think she would be very sweet if she wasnt so scared. Mind you when Im in the room shes still only 3 feet away at any time but she tends to like to be more hidden.

"The Princess"
This tends to be her look most of the time. Like shes scared to death and is going to run ...

So friends Im not sure ... Im trying ... I give them time and I spend time with them, they are all eating good and pooping and seem to be growing etc. I realized they have been through multiple tramatic events in a short time so maybe I should be more patient.
Suggestions are appreciated.

Thursday, November 3, 2011

ButterBean says ....

Taking medicine is YUCK!

But I gotta take it 3 more days ....

Wednesday, November 2, 2011


Water Melon
... can you do this ??

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Halloween Happenings

**Answer to question from yesterdays post - "The Eye" His eye is scar tissue most likely from an ulcer from when he was a little tiny baby .. it scar tisue could get some better, its not hurting him and he might be able to see a little. Put your finger in front of your eye  thats most likely how he sees out of his.

Momy and Dady and their friends went out and about Saturday night all dressed up ... and had a really good time. They went to dinner then went dancing ... and aside from getting super duper cold ... and their feets hurting they had fun.

Justin and Shon (dady)

Becky and Erin (momy)

Monday, October 31, 2011


Female ... "The Princess"

Male - "The Eye"

"The Princess and The Eye"

Male - "The Face"

"The Face"

Went to the V-E-T on Saturday morning ... All kittens are healthy and they did well for the visit. They got their nails cut, ears washed, wormer and booster shot.

Friday, October 28, 2011

What we caught last night ...

Went home last evening, I get off work at 5 and am usually home by 530. Shon had let the babies out of their dog kennel for it to be cleaned and change the cat litter etc., they had full run of the room. The room is smallish has 2 book cases in it, a desk and elliptical machine. Shon sat in there with them talking to them for a while. Of course they had to be dragged out from under the cabinets to be petted and loved but ... they were receptive to being loved once I got them out. No new scratches today :-)

I set the trap around 7 the food that had been put out yesterday morning had not been eaten so I worried a little but was hopeful I had to run to town to pick up cat food and things so I left.  Got back just before 9 and was SO excited to see the glow of little eyes in the trap. I had the last one ... HA HA ... it was a Opossum, a little one, same size as the kittens ... Im now thinking that was the other set of eyes, I looked around and saw no other eyes and heard no other skurrying ... went home loved on the babies some more and put them back in the dog kennel so the door could be opened and they could get fresher air for the night and hear the sounds of the house and the other cats.

This morning I fixed their breakfast, a can of stinky goodness, a bowl of kitten chow, a fresh bowl of water and some treats just for good measure. Cleaned the box and took the door off the crate and let them venture back out into the room on their own. Didnt take long once they got a wiff of the yummie stuff on the other side. Im hoping they will explore today and get a little more comfortable in their surroundings. They have an appointment with the vet in the morning at 8AM ... then they can spend the rest of the day being kittens.

The first kitten that was caught, he is the leader of the pack ... he will sit out in the room but not come to you. He growls while your petting him but the whole time hes rubbing and loving and seems to really enjoy it and he gives little love bites its very sweet. I think he will be a good Man Cat :-)

The little girl - second one caught, looks just like the first one but her face is white and she looks like shes got eyeliner on. She look horrifically at you while your petting her brothers and shes not too sure about pets but if you hold her she seems to like it, just being held up close ... I think she is a princess in the making.

The one with the eye .... that poor little eye. He is very timid but really likes the pets. When its light he can definately see you ... when its darker not so much, his eye is messed up and tomorrow hopefully they can tell me how much its messed up. Its not goopy or running and he has it completly open its just got a smudge spot on it and the pupil is a little more dialited. The color part of the eye is a different color from the good eye. He likes to be held but curls in a ball and tucks his tail while being held. I think he will be a very loving kitty, most likely a lap kitty.

Apologies for the long post ... I will take pictures this weekend and get them up next week.

ButterBean took his pill good last night he only has to have it once a day and has 8 more days to go. He seems like hes feeling better, I havent noticed as much licking.

Thursday, October 27, 2011

More ...

Last evening after work I went to the local tractor supply store where much to my surprise they had humane traps on SALE! Got 4 for the price of 2 and was quite happy about that. Set 2 traps around 7pm called for the kitties and left for a bit ... went back just before 8 and had 1 kitty :) She looks just like the one we had already caught. Checked the other trap just ebfore 9 .. nothing .. . went back just before 10 to get the trap, didnt want to leave it out all night in case one was caught ... went to get it and had another. 3rd kitty was the one with the blind eye. He is a cutie pie .. they all are. We are thinking there is one more kitty ... but are not sure about that ... however we going to set the traps again tonight and check them every 45 minutes or so and see what we get.

Bean took his new meds last night and has not seemed to have a problem with them. But hes mad at me for giving him meds and wont sleep in the bed ...

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

The things that go on around here

Lots and lots to talk about ....

Top news is that my oldest kitty Beauty went over the birdge this morning. Her kidneys had shut down and she had started having possibly some mini strokes. I took her to the vet this AM and helped he finish her journey. She was born in my parents garage in Fall of 1987 - I was 6 years old. For the last 24 years she has been the best kitty ever. She has been helathy and full of spit up until the last few days. We knew her health was starting to fail but she was eating and drinking and going out for her morning sunshine. Sunday she began having trouble walking but was still eating and drinking. Yesterday (Tuesday) evening she could not lift her head and could not stand and would not eat or drink. She was a great cat ... :-)

Bean had to go to the vet yesterday - he has been licking and licking and licking and .. well you get the point .. licked all his furs off one arm and down his side and has licked sores on the skin. He also has a mild uniary tract or bladder infection. Since he has had a PU he is more prone to thoes types of infections. He was perscribed clavamox and an antihistamie .. the clavamox made him sick yesterday so this morning I got him a different med and he starts it tonight. This med should help with the itching and licking as well.

Some wonderful asshole decided to drop off kittens down near the river near where I live. On Saturday night we saw 2 and spent hours trying to catch them with no luck. Sunday I spent several hours and never saw a kitty one .. then Monday night Shon says hes seen kittens so to the river we go  and he caught one .. grey and white male about 10 weeks old. Hes a cutie .. I have him in an extra large dog crate with his bed, litter box and food. He is eating well and likes to be petted and sit in my lap. I got some worm medicine from the vet this morning and will give it to him tonight. Last night we went back to see about the other kitten and quickly realized there are 3 more kittens. 2 are grey and the other one ran, all we saw of it was the glow of eyes ... so Im going to get traps this evening and see if that will get me another.

I have some pictures that need to be posted ... Ill get them up soon.

Hope you are all having a lovely day - remember to hug your furry baby and enjoy them - as they truly are precious. 

Friday, October 7, 2011

New Friend

GO by http://facesofmisty.blogspot.com/ to meet a new friend 

Hope you all have a good weekend.

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Still Around

Hello Fur-Friends

Its been a while ... we are still around and doing ok. Today is the 1 year anniversary since our beloved little Meep went missing. We still look out the window for her but she hasnt come home. We hope shes someplace happy chasing butterflies.

SO lets have an update ...

Butterbean is still fat :)

Boo Boo loves being shaved and has become a cuddle monster

Lucky is doing great!

Watermelon is not liking the cooler weather ...

Scooter is doing better about hiding and has been out more

Mama like the cool weather but likes her bed better

Scotch is just silly

Moose does not like being cold and his favorite place is under the covers

Tiny has learned to play cover monster ... :)

Momy is doing good. She has been working hard on the farm and getting things cleaned up and winterized as much as possible. This week has been crazy cold and windy but rest of the week and weekend look good for doing some work. Cant forget shes working on the Virginia Tech football games and she has her job that buys our foods.

We are going to try to get back into blogging more ... we have slacked long enough ... Time to get back to some happy fun things. Please know that while we havent been blogging we have been reading blogs and keeping up with you all.

Hope you have a wonderful Tuesday ... Oh dont tell her I told you but .. tomorrow is Momys 30th birthday

Thursday, July 21, 2011


Hello Fur Friends ... it is HOT HOT HOT here in Virginia ... we are all under house arrest ... meaning we cant go outside .. which is kinda stinky but it keeps Momy from worrying ... if we are in she knows we are cool as the AC is pumpin and the fans are goin too ... we LOVE our tile floor its nice and cool, the water bows are flowing and the cereal bowls are full. We know we must all stay in cause Momy loves us and dosnt want us to get the Hots ... cause its HOT out there ... Watermelon is the groweliest about this staying in thing until he spends the day in the bed then .. well hes ok :)

we hope you are all doing well .... stay cool

Thursday, June 9, 2011

trying for happy

Momy and Dady have been staying with Maw Maw at night. So we see them some in the evenings and in the mornings when they come home to get ready for work. We live walking distance so they are close but not in bed with us however we Promise we have been keeping the bed comfortable for them while they are gone.
We arent sure how long this arraingement is going to last but we know its important for Maw Maw to be comfortable and happy right now and that sleeps are good for her.
So we are trying to be happy.

**a word from Momy**
Things here are ok ... while its different my dad had the shit happens attitude and taught me that ... shit happens, pick up where I left off and keep on moving ... think of me, remember me but dont be sad about it. while thats hard to do ... somehow Im doing it.

My dad was only 60, he had no health issues so obviously his sudden death was a shock. He had worked that day and even came to the fire house for a cookout Monday evening, he was fine, laughing, joking and eating hotdogs. The ER doctor seems to think he had a massive heart attack in his sleep, he never felt a thing, never had a pain, there was no suffering, he was just gone. He looked very peaceful laying in his bed, in his usual position - not knowing how long he had been that way Shon and I did CPR anyway until the medics arrived. I know he had not planned to leave us - we had too many plans, too many things and projects to get done and we had just planted a huge garden ... sometimes all the planning isnt enough ... but as dad would say ... shit happens and this is definately shitty ... but I cant go back in time and change it the only option I have is to pick up where he left off and keep on moving.

Thank you to you all for the purrs and head-butts, hugs and kisses, thoughts and messages. I truly do appreciate them. While I dont "know" any of you - its really great to have the support and kindness.

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Long weekend ... week ... Bad ...

Momy had a long weekend over the memorial holiday ... she did fun things and mostly had a good time. Until Monday night/Tuesday morning when her daddy our Paw Paw died in his sleep at the young age of 60.

Momy and Dady have been busy helping Maw Maw and has no time for blogging ... Momy promises she will be back to blog soon ... shes been reading your posts and keeping up and looking for smiles in your blogs ... :-)

Thursday, May 26, 2011

We is furry excited!

Today is momys Friday ... thats right shes off work tomorrow and Satruday and Sunday and Monday for the holiday ... this makes us Furry happy ... she says shes going to clean some tomorrow and get ready for all the BBQs for the weekend so far there are 3 :-) we are excited about that as well .. she will be cooking yummie things in the kitchen and will let us taste test .. YAY!

other than all that ... shes hoping for some time in the sunshines and some new pictures of us to post.

We hope you all have a wonderful weekend ....

Wednesday, May 25, 2011


A friend saw the post from yesterday and sent me this ...



Pictures taken by RJ Verge near Beamsville Ont. Canada Black deer are more rare than albinos..

Snopes, the urban legend authority, says this black fawn is for real.   It showed up online recently associated with the name of R. J. Verge, of Beamsville, Ontario.   It created quite a stir.   Just google 'Black fawn' and you'll seen the fuss that has been wrought.   The photographs were actually taken by a professional nature photographer named Richard Buquoi, near Austin, Texas.   This black deer is a melanistic form of the naturally tan-cloured White-tailed deer, and is even rarer than the albanistic (pure white) form.   The two fawns in these photos are, in fact, twins!   According to photographer Buquoi, the area near Austin, Texas, where he took the pictures, seems to have a concentration of black 'Whitetails', although it is still extremely rare to see them.   Researchers say the melanistic mutation likely is perpetuated because it offers a survival advantage. Melanistic deer are concentrated along the (central Texas) region's drainages, where cover is thick and a dark-coloured prey animal would have an edge in avoiding detection.

I have never seen or heard of one of these before. What beautiful pictures.

If you love animals....this is a rare and beautiful set of pictures

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

A very special 200th post

Babies babies everywhere ....

Oh boy do we have a fun story for you today ...

Momy went bee bopping around the house yesterday evening and this is what she saw ...

Quick like a bunny she ran into the house for the camera ... about the same time Dady called to tell her to come out to see the baby ...

Look at thos SPOTS

OK ... Im done

Im gettin outta here

Mama deer was close but something spooked her and she ran off ..

So the baby made it a nice little spot in the leaves under the awing up against the building where it was safe.

This morning it was gone ... Mama deer came back for it. :)

Wednesday, May 18, 2011


Thomas with Paw Paw

Thomas and his mom are doing good. They hope to get to come home tomorrow.

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

BABY .... Oh My

We have some furry exciting news  .... Auntie C had her baby yesterday....

Please meet Thomas Logan ...

He was born by C-Section ... This big guy weighed in at 10lb 6oz - 21in long and a 15in head OH MY

He and his momy are doing good.

So far this is the only picture our Momy has of him, she went to check him out last night but held him the whole time so no photo opportunites were available. AS soon as she has more pics she will post them.

We are fury happy for Auntie C and Uncle R but feel a little bad for our cousins Tweetie, Sylvia, Phantom and Chickie ... as they have NO idea what is about to come home ... ha ha ha
Momy is taking care of the furries until the peoples come home.
She will try to get pictures of them but Sylvia is difficult to get a glimpse of if Auntie C isnt threre. Tweetie was pacing the kitchen floor this morning when momy got to his house to feed him. More on him later. Phantom and Chickie are Tiny's feline mom and dad.

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Man Cat

Angel and Kirby said that I was a real Man Cat now!

Hear that .... Im a Man Cat ...

umm .... what do I do now?

is this man catish?

Yeah - I think I got this Man Cat thing ...

I have lots of brothers to watch ... hee hee

Im a Man Cat ...

Tuesday, May 3, 2011


Hi - Me - Tiny again
This picture is only a month old.
Arent I cute :)
For such a little guy

OH Did I mention that Im ONE (1) now
hee hee
I had a birthday ... Im one ... Im one ...

Monday, May 2, 2011

A happy day

Today is a very happy day!
This was Me - Tiny last year ... momy thought for sure I was going to die.

Im the little one not looking at anyone on the right ... I was the runt of 7 ...

My sisters (the light grey one and the black one) Sadie and SweetPea live together and are very much loved. We get updates on them often. They are healthy and happy. My brother, Tiger has another brother that is a few months older and they have a good time together.

Me .. I got to stay here with Mommy and she loves me very much. They kept me cause I was sooo little and was having a hard time staying warm and eating. Momy was scairt I would die. She decided that no one could or would care for me like she would and so Im here ... :)

I am very very happy here ... and yesterday May 1 was my BIRTHDAY :)


Im still pretty little .. Im the size of a 4 month old kitten. And I love to be loved. I followed momy around all day yesterday, rubbing and loving and purring and she held me and petted me and gave me lots of kisses. Oh it was a great day.

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Waiting on Spring

This is Meep from last year ... shes been missing since October 4th - we would love for her to come home.

Meepy loved to play outside and loved to chase butterflies and play in the grass.

Moose likes to lay in the grass some too ....

We hope all our friends are doing well ...