- ButterBean - BooBoo - Lucky - WaterMelon - Scooter - Moose - Mama*R.I.P* - Scotch*R.I.P.* -

-Tiny - Face *R.I.P* - Eye - Princess - Brooke - Stripey - Smokey - Shadow - Piper

Tuesday, January 12, 2010


Meep is named Meep because she says MEEP .... shes a cutie

Shes very playful and the Dr called her a CALICO ... buts shes not a calico like we have seen before. She is very sweet :) she sleeps in bed with Momy and on the weekend when Momy is home she is allowed to go out and play. She loves the snows.

Meep was borned April 24, 2009 that makes her 9 Months old and she weighs right around 5 pounds. She is VERY petite, small, little.

So Dady was driving home that night and he saw the glowing eyes of something - he got out of the truck and he said here kitty kitty and she went running to him. He put her in the truck and just to make sure there wasnt another he went looking again and again he heard a meow ... but it was the same kitty - she jumped out the back window of the tuck and went running back to him, he said Ive already rescued you - your safe! Then he took her home to Momy!
Dady says there are too many of us at the house but Momy does not agree. Momy always tries to find good homes for the kitties she finds but after a few weeks she gives up because she loves them all. She tells dady that as long as she can afford them they are OK!
Good for them that we all get along ... mostly ... we growl at Scotchy when hes in the house ... but thats because he smells funny. hee hee :)

Oh we also want to send BIG BIG PURRRS to our buddy Kismet! and his LadyPerson! We are purring BIG for you dude and I vote we all take a nap in honor of Kismet and send him visions of Mousies to help him get betters! Visit Kismet here : Kismet We want him to get betters soon.


  1. Meep, you are so precious!! You look like our Maizy and we think she is called a torbie with white. Torbie is tortoise shell and tabby mixed.

  2. Meep is such a cutie! And the Creek Cats beat me to it - I was going to say that I think she is a torbie too! It is so hard to believe she is so tiny! We have an 8 month old boy and he is at least 10 lbs! But we think he is big for his age because his older brother is smaller! We can see how your mom can fall in love with the kitties - it is so easy when they are cute and sweet!

    And we are sending lots of purrs to Kismet too - we hope he will be ok soon!

  3. Yep, Torbie or also called Brown Patched Tabby and White. Just like with Calicos and Tortoiseshells, they are almost 100% females and if a male one shows up, they are usually sterile. We have had a Cornish Rex of the same coloring and they are striking! Her name is Pixie.

  4. Meep is so pretty and so lucky to have been found by such caring people.

    We're purring hard for Kismet, so he gets better soon.

  5. Meep really wanted to be rescued to do it twice! How funny, SHe heard Daddy call and went running! She is a pretty baby girl.

  6. Meep is very pretty. Our kitty Yumbum who is an angel kitty never weighed more than 6lbs all her life. She looked tiny next to me as I am 23lbs of mancat.
    We are both purring for Kismet.

  7. Yep, Meep is a cutie calico, but I see some tabby there...she might be a tabbico! We're still purring for Kismet too!

  8. Meep is a cutie! And, wow! She is tiny! Meowm calls one of our outdoor ferals Squeaky, cause his meow sounds like a squeak.

  9. Oh My, is MEEP the CUTEST! What a kyute name too! That's funny she snuck outta the truck and ran back to your dad to be rescued again!
