- ButterBean - BooBoo - Lucky - WaterMelon - Scooter - Moose - Mama*R.I.P* - Scotch*R.I.P.* -

-Tiny - Face *R.I.P* - Eye - Princess - Brooke - Stripey - Smokey - Shadow - Piper

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Bean and Boo

Boo and I were Momys boys for a while. We lived in a little house and we could watch Pawpaw mow our yard. We live really close to our Pawpaw and Granmaw - They have 5 kitties out there. Well now they have 4 :( Marlea went over the bridge Monday morning - she was 16- Im sure I will tell you their stories too - one day.
Then we moved to a bigger house. Which is great and we have more windows and we can see Pawpaw more and we can see the deer and squirels and lots of stuff. Dady was around now which was good - meant more hands and more pets.

Then one day Momy went for a run with Auntee (she lives close too and we have 2 kitty cousins) and while they were out ... you will NEVER guess what Momy found ... found it and brought it home ...

Come back tomorrow and I will tell you ... PROMISE

Until then purrs to ya


  1. We can't wait until tomorrow so we can find out. Very exciting!

  2. OMC!!! We cannot wait to see what is was she found! Is it a little itty~bitty kittie??? We're sorry to hear about Marlea. Our thoughts and purrayers are with your Granmaw and Pawpaw at this difficult time. At least Matlea knew the TRUE meaning of love and a furrver family and home before she left. She will always watch over them (and you) from The Bridge.

  3. Ohhh my green papers are on a kitty!! hmmm...green papers...MOM I wants some temptashuns!

  4. We can't wait to hear the rest of the story!

    We are sorry to hear about Marlea. Sounds like she lived a long life and was taken care of though.

  5. We might be able to guess, but then again it could be a big surprise.

  6. We're sorry to hear about Marlea...but now we wanna know what mommy found!!!
