- ButterBean - BooBoo - Lucky - WaterMelon - Scooter - Moose - Mama*R.I.P* - Scotch*R.I.P.* -

-Tiny - Face *R.I.P* - Eye - Princess - Brooke - Stripey - Smokey - Shadow - Piper

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Sick Bean

I weighed 26 pounds when I first got sick (3 years ago)... that was part of my problem - I was FAT

Dr. D told Momy that I needed surgery ... I was blocked bad - kidney tests showed that my kidneys were good, no damage but that I would continue to block. It was Momys (25th sshh dont tell her I told) birthday and Dady was out of town in Texas for work. Momy told Dr. D that she loved me lots and lots and that she trusted him to make me betters.

Dr. D stayed late that night to do surgery. I had Feline Lower Uniary Tract Disease and needed a PU or Perineal Urethrostomy - you can google it for more info but basically they took away my boy part COMPLETLY! and gave me a girl opening so I could pass the crystals. It happens in neutered cats 2-6 years old that are over weight ... ME

Dr. D called Momy at 10pm that night to tell her surgery was done and I was waking up. He stayed until I was awake and he told her she could come visit me the next day. I had to stay in the hospital for over a week. Total I was there for 3 weeks.

I had to wear this stupid lamp shade on my head for a month and I got "naked" time when I would lay on Momy at night and she would scratch my neck. I would lay on her for hours and hours

But the surgery made the bad crystals go away - mostly - sometimes I still pee in the floor

I also had to go on a special diet and Ive lost weight

3 years later Im much much better and I love to play.

Big Purrs to everybodies ....


  1. I'm so glad you are okay now! Those crystals are dangerous...I have two boys who are at high risk for them and now I feed mostly canned food because it's got so much water in it. I'm hoping that helps, but it's good to know that if the worst happens, my kitties have a good chance at surviving and recovering!

  2. Hello Butterbean, it's great that you recovered so well from the PU surgery. I've blocked a few times and they tell me it's a PU for me if it happens again. It's good to know a cat can be happy even without certain boy parts. Your Mum looked after you very well.

    Whicky Wuudler

  3. oh Butterbean, it doesn't always happen to overweight kitties. our grampa norton (now at the bridge) hadded the same surgery when he was 4 - and he nefur weighed over 7 lbs his entire life (he and his twin, our gramma trixie, were skinny skinnies). We is glad that you is much better now though. our the mom laffed for years (grampa norton lived 14 more years after his surgery) that all the new v-e-t-s thought he was a girlcat!

  4. Well BB, we are absolutely delighted that you are doing so much better...and we sure are delighted that you are our friend!!!

  5. Sorry to hear of the terrible ordeal you had to go through! But your mommy is your angel and made the doctor fix you!!! You look furry cute even with a lamp shade on your head! Glad all's well now...

  6. Buttebean you are lucky your mom found out in time what was wrong...I'm glad things are going well for you now.

  7. Butterbean.....you have certainly had a time of it in your life. We are so very glad you are here with us and are our friend. And, again, we are very gald that your Mom loves you so much and takes such good care of you and your siblings. We are sending you all gentle headbutts and Meowm is sending lots of hugs.

  8. Oh, so glad everything turned out alright for you! Our brother had that problem, too & he wasn't old or overweight. He didn't make it, but he had other problems with his bladder & kidneys as well.

    So happy your story had a happy ending! Yay!

    Nico, Austin & JayJay :)

  9. Butterbean
    WE are so glad that surgery helped you and that you are now a happy and healthy kitty!

    purr on

  10. We are glad you had successful surgery ButterBean and that you can live a good life now.

  11. I am glad you are still with us to share the story and am even happier that you are healthier than ever. May you be trouble-free and have a long life filled with all the good things.

  12. Oh gosh, I know that is a very big surgery! I'm glad it helped you and you are so much better now!
